Responsible schools are a rich source of reusable goods, especially when the entire school community is involved. We encourage schools to identify every available reusable item. DIK distributes these items to improve schools in many developing countries where there is a clearly-defined need.
DIK’s goal is to re-purpose all reusable items including:
- School desks/tables
- Chairs
- Teaching resources
- Library racks and shelves
- Children’s early learning books
- School stationery, (pens, pencils, markers, rulers, exercise books, sharpeners, scissors, etc.)
- Whiteboards
There are several ways that school communities can show they care. They can donate items to significantly improve schools in poor areas and they can assist in fundraising for the transport costs. Schools can also develop specific relationships with schools in developing countries to find out what specific needs exist and to see the tangible benefit of their donations.
Rotary clubs are encouraged to make contact with schools in their community to promote DIK’s service and to ascertain what goods are available.
If every school who donates goods helps with the shipping costs we can dramatically increase support for schools that deserve our help.
Does your school have a re-cycling champion? Someone aware of the needs of school students in developing countries? Someone who cares about the planet? Someone who can redirect funds allocated for disposal toward transportation costs?
If your school has goods to donate please contact your local Rotary Club or please contact DIK by EMAIL