Volunteers, both Rotarians and others, run every aspect of Donations in Kind. Some work on projects, others have a passion for re-cycling and all share the joy of helping in the community and working with others who care. There are volunteer opportunities for everyone with projects to match their skills, interests, fitness levels, location and availability.
Which Area Would Suit You?
Helping in the Store: Donated goods arrive from many sources and are required to be sorted. They are then packed for a project, or go into stock. The Store is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at other times as required by specific arrangement. Some volunteers attend weekly and others are casual, whatever time you have available everyone is very welcome.
If you have experience or a particular interest in an area join one of the work teams who specialise in a particular area. Some of our special areas include checking and repairing sewing machines, grading books, checking and refurbishing computers, medical equipment and other supplies. Everyone is productive but we still have time for fun.
Helping in your local area: Often goods need to be inspected. You may be able to help load the van or deliver goods to the Store. All assistance is greatly appreciated.
Group Involvement: Many Rotary clubs conduct working bees at the Store. There is increasing interest from socially-responsible organisations seeking opportunities to make a contribution to recycling.
Recycling is something that everyone can be involved in; if you want to be part of a team that reduces waste and changes lives please contact David by EMAIL